4/2016 – 2/2020 – PhD in Human Geography with magna cum laude (1.0)
Dissertation’s title: Surveillance as Spatial Injustice: The Case of Iran
Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University
Recipient of Hans-Böckler Foundation of German Trade Unions’ scholarship

1/2019 – 10/2019 – Baden-Württemberg Certificate for Teaching and Learning at University Level
State of Baden-Württemberg Centre for Teaching and Learning, Heidelberg

9/2010 – 11/2011 – MSc Gender Research with Merit
London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE)
Recipient of PJD Wiles Scholarship

9/2003 – 7/2008 – B.A. Social Research with GPA 17.28/20
Allmeh Tabatabaie University, Tehran

9/2002 – 7/2003 – Journalism Diploma with GPA 16.95/20
Centre for Media Research and Studies, Tehran