• Books under construction!

Akbari. A & Masiero, S (eds.). 2024. Critical ICT4D (Information & Communication Technology for Development). Routledge.

Murakami Wood, D., van Brakel, R., Bruno, F. & A. Akbari (eds.). 2025. International Handbook of Critical Surveillance Studies. Edward Elgar.

  • 2024

Akbari, A. (2024-accepted). The Birth of Code|Body. In V. Steeves & B. Roessler (eds.). Being Human in A Digital World. Cambridge University Press.

Akbari, A. (2024). Information and communication technology for development (ICT4D). In The Companion to Development Studies (4th ed). Routledge, 521-525.

  • 2023

Akbari, A. 2(023). Situating Data: A Critique against Universalist Approaches to Data. In T. Osborne & P. Jones (eds.), A Research Agenda for Digital Geographies. Glos: Edward Elgar, 127-132.

Akbari, A., Masiero, S. (2023). Critical ICT4D: The Need for a Paradigm Change. In: Jones, M.R., Mukherjee, A.S., Thapa, D., Zheng, Y. (eds) After Latour: Globalisation, Inequity and Climate Change. IFIPJWC 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 696. Cham: Springer, 350-5.

Akbari, A. (2023). Book Review: Politics of Rightful Killing. Civil Society, Gender, and Sexuality in Weblogistan. Anthropos, 118:2, 663-4.

Dodds, K., Taylor, Z., Akbari, A., Castán Broto, V., Detterbeck, K., Inverardi-Ferri, C., Lee, K., Mamadouh, V., Ramutsindela, M., Yuan Woon, C. (2023) The Russian invasion of Ukraine: implications for politics, territory and governance, Territory, Politics, Governance, 11:8, 1519-1536.

  • 2022

Akbari, A. (2022). Authoritarian Smart City: A Research Agenda. Surveillance & Society, 20(4), 441-449.

Akbari. A. (. ‘Authoritarian Surveillance: A Corona Test.’ Surveillance & Society, 19(1): 98-103. doi: 10.24908/ss.v19i1.14545

Akbari, A. (2021). A Resilient ICT4D Approach to ECO Countries’ Education Response during COVID-19 Pandemic. In S. Masiero, & P. Nielsen (Eds.), IFIP 9.4 Conference Proceedings 2021: Resilient ICT4D. International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP)’s Working Group on the Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development. Department of Informatics, University of Oslo.

Akbari, A. (2021). Threat of Automating Control: Surveillance of Women’s Clothing in Iran. In A. Završnik, & V. Badalič (Eds.), Automating Crime Prevention, Surveillance, and Military Operations. Cham: Springer, 183-199.

Akbari, A. (2021). ‘FEMINISTISCHE+DIGITALE+GEOGRAPHIE+N: die Politik einer Kontamination.’ Feministisches Geo-RundMail, 85, S. 6-11.

Akbari, A. (2021). Academic Reading for Non-Native English Speakers. HINT: Heidelberg Inspirations for Innovative Teaching, 2, 29-47.

Akbari. A. (. Surveillance as Spatial Injustice: The Case of Iran Dissertation, Heidelberg Universität.

Akbari A. (. ‘Follow the Thing: Data – Contestations over Data from the Global South.’ Antipode 52, Nr. 2: 408-429. doi: 10.1111/anti.12596.

Akbari, A., Gabdulhakov, R. (. ‘Platform Surveillance and Resistance in Iran and Russia: The Case of Telegram.’ Surveillance and Society 17, Nr. 1/2: 223-231. doi: 10.24908/ss.v17i1/2.12928.

Akbari. A. (. ‘Spatial|Data Justice: Mapping and Digitised Strolling against Moral Police in Iran.’ Development Informatics Working, University of Manchester, UK Paper no.76.

Madani S, Akbari A, Mohammadi MA, Rafiey AH, Foroozan AS, Shiani M. (. ‘Drug management in Iran: A periodical schema.’ Addiction Research & Theory 19, Nr. 2: 112-120. doi: 10.3109/16066351003597159.


For my publications in Farsi please visit my Farsi website.

Akbari, A. (2023, Apr) The internet is a crucial space for women to build international solidarity‘ – Opinion: An internet that women want? It looks like this, CNN Opinion and As Equals.

Akbari, A. (2022, Nov) Iran: Digital Spaces of Protest and Control: Piloting Report on the Guide on Digitally-Mediated Assemblies, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law.

Akbari, A. (2022, September 27) Iran’s women need a free and global internet, The Guardian (print).

Akbari, A. (2022, September 26) Shutting down the internet is another brutal blow against women by the Iranian regime, Retrieved from The Guardian/Opinion (online).

Akbari, A. (2021). 01110011 01101111 01110011 [SOS]. Surveillance & Society 19(4): 441-444.

Akbari, A. (2021). Navigating through a Carpet-Map. Retrieved from the Personal Website. https://azadeh-akbari.com/navigating-through-a-carpet-map/ [to be published in the book, “Experimental and Radical Cartographies”, by Philippe Rekacewicz and Nepthys Zwer]

Akbari, A. (2015, September 28). Young Afghans Weigh Their Future. Retrieved from UNHCR Tracks: http://tracks.unhcr.org/2015/09/youny-afghans-weigh-their-future/

Akbari, A. (2009). The Women’s Movement: An Emerging Power. LSE IDEAS Strategic Updates: Prospects for Reform? The Iranian Elections, June 2009, 11-14.


Short documentary on Haruki Murakami, Tamasha Magazine, BBC Persian Television, July 2013, 15 Minutes