- ‘The internet is a crucial space for women to build international solidarity‘ – Opinion: An internet that women want? It looks like this, CNN Opinion and As Equals, 27.04.2023
- Iran’s women need a free and global internet, The Guardian/Opinion (print), 27.09.2022
- Shutting down the internet is another brutal blow against women by the Iranian regime, The Guardian/Opinion (online), 26.09.2022
- Interview with Radio Farda’s “7th Layaer Podcast” on the use of facial recognition technologies in Iran. 23.03.2024.
- “Promoting women’s rights is not an interest – it’s a survival strategy“, Cover Story of Campus Magazine, University of Twente, 09.05.2023.
- “Mullahs rüsten auf: Ist der Aufstand im Iran am Ende?” Interview with Funke Gruppe Zeitungen, 18.04.2023
- Interview with Deutschlandfunk Nova Vergiftung von Tausenden Schülerinnen, 09.03.2023
- Interview with Deutsche Welle TV on International Women’s Day, 08.03.2023
- “In diesem System handeln einige Anhänger auf eigene Faust,” Interview with ZEIT Online, 07.03.2023
- La reconnaissance faciale, arme de contrôle des opposants en Russie et en Iran?, Interview with AFP, 08.02.2023.
- “Irans Sittenpolizei, Ausbildungschancen, Biodiversität, Gerechtigkeitsempfinden,” Interview with Die Profis- Radio eins, rbb, 10.12.2022
- „Ich bin voller Hoffnung,“ Interview with Magazin Mitbestimmung, Hans Böckler Foundation of German Trade Unions, vol. 06/2022 (online: 30.11.2022)
- Gesichtserkennung bei Demonstrationen: Baut Iran einen Hightech-Überwachungsstaat auf? Neuer Zürcher Zeitung, 14.11.2022.
- ‘This is not just a political movement against the Iranian regime,’ Interview with UToday, 18.10.2022
- Interview with Cam Hunters Podcast, a collaborative art and media performance between artists STÉFY and Julia Chan. 07.10.2022.
- Why is the government in Iran shutting down the internet? The Guardian Science Weekly podcast, 06.10.2022
- Wie sich der Iran vom Internet abschottet, Interview with ZEIT Online, 06.10.2022
- ‘Nothing to lose’: Iran’s protesters step up their defiance as a potential showdown looms, Interview with LA Times, 04.10.2022
- Nadzor nad ženskimi telesi je ključen v ideologiji Islamske republike, problem je tudi patriarhat, Interview with RTV Slovenia, 25.09.2022
- Elon Musk greenlit to activate Starlink internet for Iranians, Interview with Aljazeera, 24.09.2022
- Mahsa Amini’s death could be the spark that ignites Iran around women’s rights, Interview with The Guardian, 23.09.2022
- Iran blocks capital’s internet access as Amini protests grow, Interview with The Guardian, 22.09.2022
- Interview with Al Jazeera TV (live), 21.09.2022
- Iranian authorities plan to use facial recognition to enforce new hijab law, Interview with The Guardian, 05.09.2022
- Interview with migloom Platform. 2021. It’s not feminism if it’s not intersectional, 09.03.2021. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMNZDTqqc-1/?igshid=vajd5pmqm2jb.
Policy-level Talks:
- Concept Developer & Panels’ Host, International Convention on Digitally-Mediated Assemblies with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law Stichting, 28.02.2023
- Invited Panellist, Internet Shutdown and Network restrictions: Avoiding Internet Fragmentation, Internet Governance Forum 2022, Ethiopia, 30.11.2022
- Invited panellist at the EU Commission’s high-level multi-stakeholder event on the Future of the Internet, Workshop: Preventing internet shutdowns and platform-specific restrictions (DFI principle: A global internet), 02.11.2022.
Public Talks:
- Keynote Speaker: Digital Futures: Governing the Digital Transformation, Spot on Governance- 1/2/8 Research Forum, PACT Zollverein, Essen, Germany, 14.12.2023.
- Invited panellist: Three Days to Liberation Festival: Practices of Liberation, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin, 02.12.2023.
- Keynote Speaker: Surveillance and Democracy in the Global South, Internet Lab’s Congress on Fundamental Rights and Criminal Procedure in the Digital Age, University of São Paulo [online], 29.08.2023.
- Invited panellist: Political Imaginations: Nostalgia and Utopias, Atelier Automatique and Instagram live, Bochum, 16.08.2023.
- Keynote Speaker and Panelist: ExpertInnen-Gespräch zu aktuellen Entwicklungen im Iran, WoMen* in Lw and Amnesty Hochschulgruppen, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, 31.05.2023.
- Invited Panelist: Feminist Perspectives on the Militarisation of Cyberspace: Surveillance and its impacts on feminist security and human rights advocacy, Center for Feminist Foreign Policy, 21.03.2023.
- Invited Panelist: Werkstattgespräch: Die Revolution ist tot. Es lebe die Revolution! – Für eine feministische, intersektionale und anti-autoritäre #Iranrevolution, Museum am Rothenbaum, Hamburg, 23.02.2023
- Invited Panelist: Emotions and Dreams in Imagining Political Alternatives in the Context of “Jin-Jiyan-Azadei” Revolution, Atelier Automatique, Bochum, 04.02.2023.
- Invited talk: “Social Media and Digital Technologies in Resistance Movements,” Training for International Diplomats, German Federal Foreign Office, 29.11.2022.
- Invited panellist: Roundtable: The Iranian Uprising, WILNET and the Manchester International Law Centre, 15.11.2022
- Invited talk: 5th Peace and Conflict Talk – “Women, Life, Freedom,” Bielefeld University, 04.11.2022.
- Invited talk: Warum Internet-Shutdowns im Iran Menschen umbringen können? Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg & Zentrum Emanzipatorische Technikforschung (ZET), 11.10.2022.
- Invited Panelist: Documentary film “Picture a Scientist,” University of Münster, 25.11.2021.
- Invited Panelist: Podiumsveranstaltung „Internationale Heidelberger Alumni im Gespräch: Mein Einstieg in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt, “Universität Heidelberg, 18.02.2021.
- Invited Panelist: Promovierendenkonferenz Hans-Böckler Foundation of German Trade Unions, Hattingen, 02.11.2019.